autumn winds

Inspired by Frank’s 50th Haikai Challenge, I explore some of my recent encounters with autumn winds. They herald the gradual shift from summer to fall:


a subtle coolness

whiffs of air through the window

autumn is moving in


the green tarp is gone

did a thief pass by today?

gusts of autumn wind


close to heatstroke

cleaning the shed at summer end

I catch a breeze


new winds are blowing

autumn into everything

porch chimes singing


©️2018 Ontheland

A ‘one-bun’ for April 4

A crow navigates savage winds as branches conduct a symphony of snow and rain that scatters waves from gullies out to open fields.

sun behind the clouds daffodils safe in their womb below ground

©️2018 Ontheland


This is my one-bun attempt for Carpe Diem #1402 Daffodils.

“The ‘one-bun’ is invented by Jim Kacian. The one-bun is an ultra-short haibun which has just one line of prose (including the title) and a (one-line) haiku.”

From Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

In like a lion

Early March winds cleaned off the porch last night…threw the empty greenhouse into the yard. Now it lies on its side pinned…kept in place.

Spring’s rival roams

dashing hopes of early thaw

hurling gusts of chill


©️2018 Ontheland

The greenhouse event was a potential haiku that I almost bypassed. Frank J Tassone’s Haikai Challenge: “first spring gust” nudged me to write this haibun.