World’s Largest Solar Bridge: Blackfriars in London

For me, the golden and azure tones in this photo of the Blackfriars Solar Bridge, over the River Thames in London, creates an aura of hope for humanity’s transition to clean renewable energy.

Lemanshots–Fine Pictures and Digital Art is the creator of this stunning photo. Please take a moment to visit her blog to show your appreciation. If you are not familiar with her work (thousands are) you may wish to browse.

The Blackfriars Solar Bridge opened in January 2014. Holding 4400 photovoltaic panels on its roof, Blackfriars is the largest solar bridge in the world. The energy captured by its panels contributes one-half of the power used by Blackfriars Station.

I feature images of renewable energy projects, as symbols and signs of what can be done to transform our world. Transition to clean, fossil-free energy sources is our present and future.


lemanshots - Fine Pictures and Digital Art


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Emerging Wind and Solar Landscapes–#S-L Week 13

Energized by Sylvain Landry’s photo challenge, week 13, ‘Ecology’ theme, I have gathered a few photos documenting Ontario’s emerging wind turbine and solar panel landscapes. There are many other scenes not reflected here, such as fields of solar panels, visible from highways; panels on stands and rooftops on residential properties;  almost one hundred turbines on St Lawrence Seaway island farmlands; and large land-based wind farms.  The building of renewable energy infrastructure in Ontario, particularly wind turbines, has not been without controversy and intense legal battles.  I feel sad when I think that perhaps some individuals are being trampled on for the common good, ie our transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.  I hope that governments play a leadership role in identifying locations for projects that provide the least environmental interference possible –taking into account wildlife, waters, soil, vegetation, and humans.  Ideally we would have a plan–just as we have official plans for building and development.

These are Sunday morning reflections.  If I come across more information about these concerns, I will let you know.

Eastern Ontario Farmland
Wind Turbines and Solar Panels in Loyalist Township, Ontario


For more Ecology-themed photos, please visit  S-L Week 13.   The featured image is an amazing, artistic view of a gigantic wind turbine, posted by Sylvain Landry, photographer.

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Wind Turbines, Symbols of Progress and Hope

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Symbol.”  –Weekly Photo Challenge–

When I see the local wind farm I feel happy.  To me, the towering white turbines are  signs of progress, and reason for hope that we will successfully transition to renewable resources, to replace fossil fuels.  The first photo, taken by me, shows a wind farm in my Ontario, Canada neighborhood. I have added the second and third photos (Getty Images) to depict how wind farms are a global phenomena.  The second photo shows turbines in Paracuru, Brazil, at sunset; and the third shows a wind farm in Ayrshire, Scotland.

Ontario Wind Farm

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images