When you fall, stand up

In response to Writer’s Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge Survival theme I offer advice and a poem, followed by words from Neil Gaiman and Bryant McGill.

When-you-fall-stand-up quote by me


My advice, “When you fall, stand up and know that you are human”, applies to mistakes and blunders large and small.  There is a place for responsibility, remorse, and taking steps to avoid repetition, but my message today is about self-forgiveness rooted in humility. Just as we might forgive another person without forgetting a wrong, we can forgive ourselves for past mistakes. In order to live and thrive we need to move beyond self-condemnation:

I tripped,

fell, and looked up

stars flickered forgiveness,

and purred, ‘fallibility is


not fundamentally good or bad Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman ‘is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, audio theatre and films.’

When-you-accept fallibility Bryant McGill

‘When you accept fallibility within yourself you become more perfect.’  Bryant McGill ‘is an American author, aphorist, speaker, and activist in the fields of self-development, personal freedom, and human rights.’

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11 thoughts on “When you fall, stand up

  1. Great to be back in blogging land – I’ve missed reading your words of wisdom. The above are so pertinent in life and wonderful to read. Often we can berate ourselves or be demeaned by others – always so important to ‘stand up and know that you are human’.

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