Hearts’ spring

Early spring in Central Park by Paul Cornoyer
Lost and lonely, wound up like a spring,

sad torrents flow a river storm,

we huddle close in pouring rain.


As confusing mist and pressures rain,

tender hearts break in early spring

not tempered yet by fierce storm.


Relentless time brings chill and storm,

We run from love, and cower in rain,

Still many a heart awakes in spring.

Let’s wake and spring toward the storm, we can dance together in the rain.


©2016, ontheland.wordpress.com

This is a  Tritina attempt for Jane Dougherty Poetry Challenge #47. An important feature of this form are the three line endings in the first stanza–in this poem ‘spring’, ‘storm’ and ‘rain’. These words are  used in a specific order in each stanza and the closing line.  Jane’s challenge post describes the form in greater detail and offers the above image, a painting by Paul Cornoyer (American Painter: 1864-1923) as a source of inspiration.


12 thoughts on “Hearts’ spring

    1. Thank you. The last line is tricky for me too in the living sense…running towards storm is not necessarily what I am inclined to do but there are benefits and sometimes it is the best option…

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