Summer Solstice Full Moon


Two evenings after the official date of the summer solstice full moon (June 20) I was out in the car an hour before midnight. Low on the horizon I saw a huge golden moon.  The lingering experience led me to write these haiku.  My view wasn’t of a cityscape, but this image (public domain) is the best portrayal I could find of the type of moon I saw.

Rare lunar vision,

Majestic orb lights the night,

Golden solstice moon.

Summer night flower,

glowing on the horizon,

a gigantic moon.

©2016, all rights reserved by

6 thoughts on “Summer Solstice Full Moon

    1. Thanks Denis. The moon image was donated to the public domain and made available on It’s a great source of images. My phone camera has repeatedly tried but can’t do the moon justice 🙂 The image I posted showing a large moon low on the horizon was the closest match to what I saw (minus the city view).


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