Fusion of two haiku by Kanajo

The featured haiku poet for Carpe Diem Crossroads #8 is Hasegawa Kanajo (1887-1969). From two of her haiku we create a new ‘fusion-haiku’.

the first snow

on the Mt. Fuji and the round

cloud flows from there


the sound of rain

the clouds on right-side are

with the summer moon

© Hasegawa Kanajo(1887-1969)

In Japan the first snow on Mount Fuji signals the end of summer. My fusion poem bridges the two seasons referenced in Kanajo’s haiku:

First snow on Fuji

oval cloud round as the moon

end-of-summer tears

©️2018 Ontheland

12 thoughts on “Fusion of two haiku by Kanajo

      1. Thanks for your kind comment Janice. I read other haiku linked to the challenge and realised I didn’t really write a fusion – I used the two poems as inspiration instead. Ah well – maybe that challenge isn’t for me.

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      2. Hi Suzanne…I’m not sure there is a consistent fusion approach…I see fusion as bringing together elements from each haiku…with ‘elements’ being broadly defined…I personally felt you achieved that in a refreshing way because you nodded to each of Kanajo’s haiku and were present to your surroundings as well. I like your use of the words ‘inspired by’ as it keeps the spirit of flexibility in the fusion process…

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      3. The idea of ‘fusion’ is to create a new haiku from two given haiku, but that doesn’t mean that you have to use the same lines. A ‘fusion’ can also be a haiku inspired on the given haiku or by the use of the scenes you are experiencing. So … it’s always a ‘fusion’ ….

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