
Life is beautiful

on a flute song

on infectious beat

lithe voices harmonize

ancient melody


©2017 Ontheland

The current Winter Retreat theme at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is “Life is Beautiful”. Music can travel to euphoric places and so this tanka came to me listening to “Enigma” by Karunesh—also offered as a prompt by Chèvrefeuille at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.

“I want to go beyond the limits and barriers separating different cultures, mixing different music styles and let them flow and dance together. Music is the one language in the world that everybody understands, across all cultures, religions and beliefs – music for body, heart and soul. ” – Karunesh

13 thoughts on “Enigma

  1. What a nice tanka Janice … the music by Karunesh has caught you as it did me several years ago. I even had a website about him and his music. That website however is not longer there, the providing provider was sold and didn’t want weblogs, only games.
    Karunesh has created wonderful music. His website is for sure worth a visit.

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