dinner time

Timid neighbours roam

past my open window,

wild turkey brood

from an in-between world—

they sleep in trees at night.


The wild turkeys around here are so shy that I can only take photos from far away, sometimes through a window. If I open the door they run away.  The photo here shows part of a family that includes more babies and another adult who took up the rear.

I wrote this tanka thinking about the writing of Tagami Kikusha (1753-1826) featured in the July 21 On the Road prompt.  If you like writing or reading haiku and related forms, you may enjoy Suzanne’s essays on this prompt site.  There are no time limits for participation.


©2017 Ontheland 

10 thoughts on “dinner time

  1. Great use of the prompt – thanks so much contributing. Your US wild turkeys are very different from the bush turkeys that inhabit northern Australia. The ones over here are very brash and are a curse to all who follow the no dig gardening methods. They like nothing better than to rake through mulch and spread it everywhere. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow bush turkeys are busy! Fortunately I’ve never even seen turkeys on the side of the house where I grow things. I have netting and chicken wire up because since last year the rabbits have been inclined to nibble.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My son lives in a bush turkey area. He has to net his gardens really high to keep the turkeys out. They look different from turkeys elsewhere. I tried to send you an image but WP isn’t keen on the idea.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Dorna…I am going to keep trying to get better shots…some of the birds are quite large…but as I mention in the post they take off at the slightest sound.


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