
On nights you’re not here

blues music casts warm shadows,

blue ink freely flows—

I’m whole knowing you’ll return,

all alone but not lonely.

©2016 ontheland

I’ve been following the Tanka Splendor series over at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.  This poem was inspired by Carpe Diem Tanka Splendor #22–although my tanka may not quite fit the classical form, it touches on a classical theme (love) and uses the prompt (blues).  I was enticed to write by this beautiful example that Chèvrefeuille (author of Carpe Diem) offered as an example.  It is written by Fujiwara Motozane (ca 950).

a river of tears
floats my body off
on its current
but it cannot quell the fire
you have set in my heart

∼Fujiwara Motozane

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