
A cello’s song elaborates

relentless flow on each pull of bow,

a jagged breath surrenders—slow

anguish suspends, shudders fade

an oboe soars to higher peaks,

tired souls hear heaven speak

a pulse conjured by orchestral throng,

harmonious voices draw comfort near,

erase despair, slow many a tear—

wordless wisdom steady and true

commands tormented thoughts to cease

as silken vibrations mend and release.


Many thanks to Imelda of MY WALL who posted Yo-Yo Ma’s cello performance with her beautiful poem: ‘Cello Caress’ and to Jane Dougherty who prompted us, a few weeks ago, to write about pain using this rhyming form (challenge #49).

15 thoughts on “Resonance

    1. Glad you enjoyed it — and thanks for mentioning the composer. I was so taken up with the music and writing that I didn’t explore the composer who I am not really familiar with (I gave all the credit to Yo-yo Ma. 🙂

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  1. I could really feel a hauntingly spiritual atmosphere in your poem. Many thanks for sharing this gem. I have just started a poetry blog here on WordPress and today’s poem is about my Dad’s ability to appreciate the little things in life in case you have time to have a look? Have a good day, Sam 🙂

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