
I shiver

chilled by the

imposing shadows of

your towering monuments.

How will I write,

write a poem?

You loom so LARGE—

adorned with literary acclaim and

linguistic brilliance!

But here is the sun—

I’ll lean against warm stone and

bask in radiant heat.

44 words makes a Quadrille.  This is my first attempt in response to dVerse #17: Shadow.





25 thoughts on “Shadows

    1. Thanks Denis. It’s different for sure…I would have to try it a few more times to really know how I feel about it, but having a word count wasn’t awkward–I thought it would be.


  1. Oh oh OH! I’m not sure if you exactly meant it this way (but isn’t that the power of poetry?)…I am picturing the sun itself as being that “warm stone,” allowing us to lean. Oh, MAN do I love that. I love how you took this from shadow to light, in so few words. I am warmed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you enjoyed it…actually after I wrote it the sun took on a few meanings for me… one was the warmth of writers I encounter in the blog world…and that would include the welcome implied by your comment 🙂 I have to admit dVerse was a pool I have hesitated on the edge of but the Quadrille finally lured me in.


  2. I like the ending, basking in the radiant heat ~ How I miss the summer sun with the grey autumn sky ~

    Nice to meet you Janice ~ Mish, Bryan and I are from Canada ~


    1. Hi, I am just catching up on some ‘lost’ comments. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. And yeah! another Canadian. I don’t consider myself particularly nationalistic but I have to admit that I enjoy discovering Canadians on the web.


  3. oh we who write poetry and then brave the world to put on our blogs — we do step out into the sun, right? Love your take on the prompt here! And I do hope you’ll join us at dVerse often — it’s a friendly place, this virutal pub for poets. 🙂


    1. Hi Virginia. Thanks for the nomination and I could do it but you may want to offer it someone else as Kim just nominated me a couple of days ago. And thank you for your kind comment about my blog 🙂


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