Harvest Full Moon on Friday

The harvest full moon will be this Friday evening—in fact, the moon has been bright all week allowing me to work later outside.  I wrote a haiku:

Moon companion

Cool night-air harvest humming

Hearts rise to her glow.


Harvest Full Moon can fall in September or October.  This year it is the September 16 moon, being the closest full moon to the Autumnal Equinox (coming up on September 22). When not hosting Harvest Moon, September’s full moon has other names such as ‘Full Corn Moon’ and ‘Barley Moon’.

You may have heard that there will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Friday.  This means that the sun, earth, and moon will line up so that some of the sun’s light will be blocked by the earth’s outer shadow.  The outer shadow is so faint that many people will not notice that the full moon is dimmed.  I am not an astronomer, but learned this eclipse information at Timeanddate.


14 thoughts on “Harvest Full Moon on Friday

  1. I’ve noticed the moon particularly this week and now know why! Also news to me about the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – the celestial speres busy as ever. Lovely haiku, Janice and need some of that cool night air in heatwave weather here!!😀

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