Seagulls–Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge


drifting by

soaring gulls

flash the whitecaps


sky magic


capturing sunlight


Haiku inspired by gulls showing off by Lake Ontario and Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge #97.   The prompt words are Magic (enchanted) and Glimmer (sparkles, flashing).

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14 thoughts on “Seagulls–Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge

  1. I live your haiku Janice. Nice interpretation if prompts and lucky seagulls getting a look in with their own poem. They’re so ‘common’ it’s easy to be blind to their beauty. I was actually watching 2 soar through the crowds in a covered railway terminal this afternoon. Among the dark suited, serious commuters, they stood out for their freedom and playfulness.

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    1. I read your corrective note before your main one … at first I thought you were making a mysterious comment over my head :)–then I got it–correction features drive me nuts too (though handy at times)…anyway — seagulls are common -yet as you say they do have their beauty–the scene I saw the other day was perfect for attempting photos as they were skimming through drafts near the shore on a very windy day.

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    1. Thanks Denis… I took the photos about a week ago and was looking for a posting opportunity. I was thrilled that they were flying relatively low so close to shore.


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