Let sleeping dogs lie–Jane Dougherty Challenge #11

I have composed two short poems in response to Jane Dougherty’s Poetry Challenge: ‘Sayings’.  The challenge was to use a saying and incorporate it into a poem.  There are many sayings in the English language–two others I considered were ‘Raining cats and dogs’ and ‘Birds of a feather flock together’.  However, the one that interested me the most was one that has gained new meaning for me, over the last few years while living with two hyperactive puppies.  When you see them sleeping you’d never know…


Heads tucked, quiet snores,
Tails curled, paw lifts in dream chase,
Let sleeping dogs lie.

Resting after a holiday party romp

Urgent barks resound,
Truck trundles down road past house,
Dog tongues slurp water.
‘Oh no!’ she moans wistfully,
‘They’re up!  Let sleeping dogs lie!’

For links to other poems incorporating sayings, please visit Jane Dougherty Writes.

©2016,  All rights reserved by ontheland.wordpress.com

13 thoughts on “Let sleeping dogs lie–Jane Dougherty Challenge #11

    1. Thank you 🙂 yes it can be almost spooky when they are sleeping and have an eye open. I think you’re right in this situation he is probably watching.


    1. Yes, sleeping is a very cute moment. That’s true it could apply to cats depending on their personality. Sometimes I wish one of our cats would take a nap– he loves to whine at me when I am trying to work in the kitchen.

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      1. I shouldn’t admit this, but I actually sometimes work around one of my cat’s schedule–as if he was a toddler–because when he wakes up from his afternoon nap, he thinks it’s dinner time. 🙂

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      2. We are ruled by our little ones’ schedules more than we care to admit:) your story is priceless. One of our cats thinks it’s dinner time all the time so I only bend the mealtime schedule if the other one chimes in.

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