Seeking–Jane Dougherty Challenge #9


Seekers of solace find
slabs of shale, crumbled rock,
smooth platforms that hold firm,
skipping stones, sky high gaze
Surf rolls in royal blue,
Swelling waves foam to shore,
Sailing clouds whisper peace.

Many thanks to Jane Dougherty for her prompt this week:

write a poem, any poem, in any form, long, short, with or without bells on it. The only thing I’m insisting on is that you start each line with the same letter.

 I had already read Jane’s Gulls (find link in prompt post above) and Cheryl-Lynn Roberts’ Longing and was thinking about trying the repeating first letter form–nothing like a poetry challenge to nudge me along!  For the challenge I have written a Pleiades, described by Cheryl-Lynn of Tournesol dans un Jardin:

A Pleiades is a 7 line poem created by Craig Tigerman.  It is named after the stars in the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus.  Each line has 6 syllables and begins with the same letter – which is the first letter in the (one word) title.

©2015, all rights reserved by–the photo was taken on December 9, 2015 at Lake Ontario.

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